Assisted travel information
Staff are available at this station from the first to last trains of the day, for providing assistance getting on and off the train and assisting around the station and platforms. Assistance can be provided unbooked (turn up and go) or pre booked up to two hours before departure by contacting Assisted Travel.
Whether you pre book assistance or travel unbooked, please contact a member of staff on arrival. We recommend arriving 20 minutes prior to your train departing. This is to allow us to make sure arrangements are in place at your destination, or interchange, station such as the availability of staff and lifts. If there is insufficient time to check these arrangements, we may assist you onto the next available train.
For further information on assisted travel please see:
Accessibility at the station - Southern.
Assisted travel contact details
For help with planning your journey, or to book assistance, please contact our assisted travel helpline on:
- Phone - 0800 138 1016
- Textphone - 0800 138 1018
Assisted travel opening hours
The assisted helpline is not available on Christmas Day.
Monday to Sunday – 24 hours